Yearly Archives: 2010

Stoke Newington Two-Way: Gyratory Consultation Open for Comment

Residents of Stoke Newington have a rare opportunity to tell the council what they think about the current one-way (gyratory) traffic system which is in effect around the area bounded by the High Street, Northwold Road, Rectory Road and Evering Road (map). These roads are managed by Transport for London (the council manages the smaller roads in the middle of the gyratory) so the responses from this consultation will be used to inform the council's […]

Post party

So the party went really well, and we raised about £300, thanks to the excellent DJs, and the very generous punters. Massive thanks also to the Royal Sovereign, who gave us a percentage of the bar takings – we managed to drink them out of beer. We’re going to use the money to carry on paying for our venue, so we can keep the workshops running and free. We had a great turn out at […]

Fund Raising Party – Saturday 4th December

In order to make sure we can keep regular, free bike maintenance workshops going in Hackney, we’re going to be having a fund raising party on Saturday 4th December at the Royal Sovereign on Northwold Road (a couple of minutes East of the Stoke Newington workshop). There’ll be DJs spinning party tunes to keep those winter blues at bay and the pub does fine stone baked pizzas if you get hungry. Check out the flyer […]