
July Workshops

With Christopher Froome leading the  tour de France,  great time to check your bike.   The dates for our June workshops are: • Tuesday 4th July – Hackney City Farm, 7-9PM • Tuesday 18h July – Hackney City Farm, 7-9PM Do arrive as early as you can to ensure we can help you. Contact us in advance if you have any queries! As usual, we are all enthusiastic volunteers: we do not receive any regular […]

June Workshops

Yes, June is here and with it, warmth and sunshine, and a great time to cycle! The Bicycle has just had its 200th birthday keep yours going           The dates for our June workshops are: • Tuesday 6th June – Hackney City Farm, 7-9PM • Tuesday 20th June – Hackney City Farm, 7-9PM Do arrive as early as you can to ensure we can help you. Contact us in advance if […]

April 2017 dates for #Hackney #Bike Workshop – ready to cycle in the sun again?

Yes, April is here and with it, warm rains of sunshine, beautiful flowers and the best time to cycle! Time to get your bike in good running condition 🙂 The dates for our April workshops are: Tuesday 4th April – Hackney City Farm, 7-9PM Tuesday 18th April – Hackney City Farm, 7-9PM And the Clapton workshop may finally reappear this month! Watch this space for updates  ? Do arrive as early as you can to ensure we can help you. Contact […]

March 2017 dates for #Hackney #Bike Workshop – get your bike #SpringReady!

It’s March and #NearlySpring! Excellent timing to get your bike in good order before the warmer temperatures arrive!!! The dates for our March workshops are: Tuesday 7th March – Hackney City Farm, 7-9PM Tuesday 21st March – Hackney City Farm, 7-9PM Note that there will be no Clapton workshop this month due to a clash of dates! But you can come to the farm ? Do arrive as early as you can to ensure we can help you. Contact […]