Tuesday 7 July 6 – 9 pm we are Opening see details below

After a bit of long break, we are happy to announce that the Hackney Bike Workshop is restarting on Tuesday 7th July from 6-9 pm
Due to the COVID 19 situation, we have made certain adaptations to the way the workshop will be operating. 
So please take a couple of minutes to read the information below so that you can inform yourself of how the sessions will work and what is expected of everybody in order that we all keep safe.  
It is very important that if you think that you might have any COVID19 symptoms as per  https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus or if you are living with or think you might have been in contact with anybody who has these symptoms that you do not attend the workshop and take the immediate measures as per government guidelines. 

The workshop will take place with the required 2- metre distancing maintained at all times between everybody.

Because of the distancing situation, we will not be able to carry out the usual learning/hands-on sessions but will offer a Dr.Bike check and repair service instead.

There will be a one-way system of entry and exit with people expected to keep the necessary physical distance of 2 meters and stay in a single file whilst waiting for their turn. 

Because of these restrictions, we are asking people to come on their own with their bikes and people will not be able to group together during or whilst waiting for the session. 

If you think you need certain parts like break blocks, inner tubes, cable, etc. please make sure to bring them with you because whilst we keep a few parts for emergencies, we have very little storage. Our volunteers would also be happy to advise on purchasing more complicated and bigger parts. 

As you know our workshop is a completely voluntary run project and depends on donations to survive. So please do make sure to bring enough cash to cover a donation towards the workshop and also any emergency parts that you might need to purchase from us.

We will only accept cash and because of the COVID19 situation, we will not be able to give change. 

Please note that there will not be any toilets available during the evening, and people are also kindly expected to take any rubbish back with home with them. 

As you can see we are trying our best to make these sessions as safe as possible for everybody, however people are expected to also take responsibility for their own health and also that of others because dealing with this virus is a communal effort since it needs people to help it thrive. 
We hope that this system will work to the satisfaction of everybody, we ask people to cooperate and be patient please because this is the first time back, and we are doing our best in quite a challenging situation. 

Be also aware that you might have to wait for quite a while because of these arrangements and depending on the demand we might even have to turn people down on the night, though we would try our best not to.
 It is important to note that sometimes bikes are dealt with first due to the complexity of the problem and how long it might take to resolve so it’s not always on a first come first serve basis.